På fronten...
Bra fortsätt så.
...same old,same old..nothing new over here either..still hot..still humid..still no rain...still frigging summer..will it ever end???still same dreary caretaking of the old one...oh well,this too shall pass...
And for your info,as all those little people over there pass you in agility,height,energy,wisdom and hunger for new places, I bet they will show up over here...eventually..so there...and my door will remain open..so there again..
But seriously, right now I am so Scandinavia sick, att det är inte klokt...I want to come home!!!!
Will you guys show me Öland when and if I finally make it over for that 'Sverige Sommar with My' I have been talking about now for years...at least it seems years, although we actually just decided on it last time My was here.How is she by the way?I miss her little inläggs here??!! Maybe I should come over to cheer her up this fall.Hi hi! Lol!
Anyway, lots of LOVE,LAUGHTER.HUGS(not sticky,today only)and KISSES of course to all ,both 2 legged and 4 legged varianter of all species!
A sort of content and happy Mumin!
Hi there Mumin!
Do not gnälla över vårt och ert varma och sköööööna väder, snart kommer vintern igen...
We will visit you in the near future, well in a couple of years anyway, I´ll soon turn fifty...
Öland, why of course we can show you Ölands pärlor, well the places we consider worth to be seen...
We can rent a house in Vickleby and use that as our headcourter... Just name a date...
I hope you know you are welcome to visit us whenever you like and you surely doesn´t have to think about not being one of thoose who are not welcome... Actually, everone is most welcome to our home, but it must be some booking-order for next year, we´ve been alone (with our family) for four days this summer and that´s a little thin...
Oppps, kanelkaka och kaffe på menyn, got to go!
Bye bye, talk to you later, promably tomorrow?